Orlando, FL - Robby Steinhardt, the renowned violinist and vocalist known for his work with the band Kansas, second installment of a series of videos accompanying his critically acclaimed solo album “Not in Kansas Anymore” has been unveiled. The video for the song “Mother Earth” comes following the completion of the album, which occurred three months before Steinhardt's untimely passing July 17, 2021.
Watch Robby Steinhardt’s “Mother Earth” video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwBhzotNO9Y
Directed by Tom Lupo, the video serves as a poignant social commentary on one of Steinhardt’s deep-rooted concerns – mankind’s mistreatment of the planet and the global issue of pollution. Steinhardt, along with keyboardist/producer Michael Franklin, and bassist Tim Franklin, co-wrote and performed on the song featured in the video. Additional musicians contributing to this track include Tommy Calton, Jim Gentry and Sonny Ferguson on guitars, Matt Brown on drums and Robby on violin and vocals. The song also showcases the incredible talent of keyboardist Patrick Moraz, known for his work with Yes and The Moody Blues. Special Thanks to Jocelyn Hsu and Beniot Lajeunesse for their help.
Steinhardt and his band had been gearing up for a national tour when tragedy struck in May 2021, preventing them from bringing their music to fans across the country. The tour would have included performances of several tracks from “Not in Kansas Anymore” as well as selected Kansas songs that Robby considered to be his own contributions to the band’s rich legacy. Notably, the release of “Mother Earth” coincides with what would have been Robby's 73rd birthday.
Fans can look forward to the forthcoming release of additional videos in the near future. “Not in Kansas Anymore” was nominated by Prog Report for Album of The Year, Song of the Year, (Truth to Power) and Album Cover of the Year.
“Not in Kansas Anymore” is available on the Solar Music website: https://solarmusic.com/robby-steinhardt
Press inquiries: Glass Onyon PR, Phone: 828-350-8158 (USA), glassonyonpr@gmail.com
About Robby Steinhardt:
Robby Steinhardt was a revered rock musician known for his exceptional violin skills and captivating vocals. As a prominent member of the band Kansas, he made significant contributions to the world of progressive rock. With his solo album, “Not In Kansas Anymore,” Steinhardt showcased his talent and passion for music, addressing pressing social and environmental issues along the way. His legacy and artistic contributions continue to inspire fans worldwide.