Dyan Garris is an award winning new age artist and author. She is multi-talented and touches upon all of the arts within the new age genre and is a classical trained on the piano and violin.
"Forest Whispers" is a recent single track that is the feature I speak of. It is a new age journey as beautiful, natural, and inviting as the cover indicates.
The birds are chirping with delight as the sounds of new age combined with world music fill in the space around you.
It takes you there immediately. That my friends is exactly what any recording artist wants!
Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck
More About Dyan Garris: DyanGarrisMusic.com
Dyan Garris is a multiple award-winning New Age recording artist, an award-winning author, and an official music reviewer for Zone Music Reporter (ZMR), New Age CD, and Spirit Seeker Magazine. Garris has recorded and produced 13 albums. Garris’ recordings include a series of independently tested music and meditation CDs that earned The National Health & Wellness Stamp of Approval. Her latest CD, Mystic’s Nine, was released 11/1/2016 and won a Global Music Award. The song Mystic Sea from the same album won the 16th Annual IMA (Independent Music Awards) VOX POP WINNER award, New Age Song category. Her music is available on Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Sirius XM, MoodMusic, Muzak, Music Choice, and more.
Dyan Garris started playing the piano when she was four years old. Her mother bought a baby grand piano and soon thereafter brought in a piano teacher. The piano teacher was an interesting choice because he was totally blind.
At the first lesson Dyan asked him how he was going to teach her to play the piano since he could not see, and she asked him to take off his glasses so she could see his eyes. He obliged. They were beautiful blue and they were definitely blind. But even then through those obscured windows, she saw his soul. He was brilliant.
And he said to her, “Child, we do not need to be able to ‘see’ to play this instrument. We only need to be able to feel the music. Music is not about seeing. It’s about feeling.” With that, he took her hands and placed them atop of his and they played the most wonderful music.
Garris is a classically trained pianist and violinist. She became and maintained first chair, first violin throughout high school orchestra and still loves the way the two instruments blend together in perfect harmony.
Her interest in meditation and music for relaxation goes back to early 1993 which is when she first began creating guided meditations. Music itself, of course, has been a way of life.