Showing posts with label Just Great. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Just Great. Show all posts


Featured Track-My Creative Laziness-Just Great

My Creative Laziness (Ricardo Flores) sounds like he got some energy and put it to good use by recording a jumpy track called "Just Great."

I think the track really is "Just Great." It has an alternative garage rock kind of sound that I really enjoy. 

Tracks like this prove that less is more and Rick shows how its done with riffs that reminded me of Weezer.

The man definetly has talent and knows how to channel that laziness! So yes, his "creative laziness" did work out well with this snappy track!

Give it a listen and see what you think. If you feel its "Just Great," then leave your comments.

Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck 


My Creative Laziness is my solo artist name. I like to record using a multitrack and have been doing so since...long long long. My music is... well me.