Showing posts with label Guitar Players. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guitar Players. Show all posts


Music News: Lance Reegan-Diehl Makes Top Ten Guitarist List in Vancouver

 Steve Newton Interviews and Comments While Comparing Sound to Satriani

Vancouver, BC — February 4, 2025— Lance Reegan-Diehl was recently included in the Top Ten List of Vancouver guitarists on writer Steve Newton’s site - Ear Of Newt, music writer/critic for The Georgia Strait. The timing couldn’t be better and coincided with the release of a video for "Sleepy Wheel," a track from his Maniacal Cavern album. This album, a testament to Reegan-Diehl's musical versatility and creativity, features a unique blend of rock, jazz, and blues and has been well-received by music enthusiasts. “Sleepy Wheel” – Features Producer/Bassist Kevin Stuart Swain (THOR, Al Harlow) on the track.

Maniacal Cavern was the 15th studio album that Lance had produced, and his 29th record that he has recorded on, played on, been a session guitarist, and/or otherwise been a part of.

Lance Reegan-Diehl is a Guitarist, Composer, Producer, and clinician who has lived in Korea for many years. He endorses Chapman Guitars, Sound Drive Amplification, Olympia Strings, and Graphtech Guitar Parts.

He is also known for his steadfast support of the U.S. Military and events that help that community, a contribution that his audience profoundly appreciates.

Reegan-Diehl's fluid guitar style and technical prowess allow him to play any music exceptionally well. His recordings of instrumental guitar albums have created a legacy that many of his contemporaries have not enjoyed.

His energy and unwavering love for music continue to this day, with many projects simultaneously inspiring his audience with his passion.

For more information, press only:

Lance Reegan-Diehl

LRD Website

The Final on Vinyl PodcastInterview 2-2-25 


Book Review: A Genesis In My Bed – Steve Hackett The Autobiography

Hardcover: 210 pages
Publisher: Wymer UK (July 24, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1912782383
ISBN-13: 978-1912782383
Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches

After many years Steve Hackett has released his autobiography. This version was the hardcover. A Genesis In My Bed – Steve Hackett The Autobiography was an easy rather quick read in large print and small pages.

I was glad to receive the copy for review and waited in anticipation for it to arrive. The one thing that surprised me as it will many other fans, was the brevity of it all. It seemed like he skimmed over things and quickly moved on to another subject. Even so, it was still an enjoyable read and appreciated the opportunity.

I found it an interesting read and felt he handled his relationships with the other Genesis members very diplomatically and lovingly actually. Most people were probably waiting for some juicy infighting stories, not in this book. Maybe another member will release an entirely different kind of viewpoint but don’t hold your breath these are proper English gentleman and they handle things differently than we do here in America.

So, I have to give Steve credit for keeping a lid on all the details of his relationships and how he tried to focus more on his childhood and development as an artist. You learn how he truly felt going through all the changes and taking the big step of leaving the band after Peter Gabriel’s exit to start his solo career (remember ...And Then There Were Three...).

An artist needs to fully express themselves with no boundaries, influence, or control from outside forces. This is the one fact that I think drives every creative individual, music or otherwise. It certainly seems to be a commonality amongst the arts community and the individuals that take chances, find their way and reap all the benefits of having the courage get past all the what if’s and naysayers. This is what typified Steve Hackett’s path to success.

Steve Hackett is a very busy man and a successful one at that and he has stood tall amongst his peers as one of the best guitar players in the world with a loyal following. When and if he ever hangs up his six-string, maybe then he will sit down and write a more detailed offering of his life in and out of music.

Until then fans have to take what they can get with A Genesis In My Bed – Steve Hackett The Autobiography which gives readers a lot more to know about the man and his music. So, look at it as a nice overview of an amazing career and be grateful he was willing to share what he did. I would have never had this kind of insight about Steve and his music without reading this book and I have gained more appreciation and respect for his accomplishments and what it took to get there.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
August 6, 2020